Friday, June 21, 2013

Day two begins!!

Day two started off with a slight delay in pretty much everything.
We got a briefing from dave cusworth and craig miller of the days activities which were,climbing up a mast and doing speaches in the afternoon.

Feels like this selection weekend has started and hopefully the panel can see who really wants it and more importantly deserve it.
After the days activities we went to get ice cream its was claudia,waterboy,mario,njabulo and myself. We also took a walk around the beautiful city we call durban which felt alive with every corner.

Day three is probably gonna be tougher because we will get some sailing done and the the people who have never sailed before are gonna be in for a tough day as rough winds are expected.

I'm writing and its close to midnight hopefully I will get some decent sleep tonight.

Waiting for breakfast day 2

Day 2 has arrived and we all waiting for breakfast. There's so much excitement in the air and I'm happy this selection weekend is underway.

Day 2 clipper selection weekend

Our instructors lucky and andile hosting us on the mast of the L34.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

getting ready :)

Its 16 june and we celebrate youth day today. Its is 4 days before i have to sign in for the selection process of the #sapindaproject and i am sitting i wonder what the other 29 people selected are doing. Are they nervous? Excited? Or both and what are they plans today as our country celebrates a day when our youth took a stand against the aparthied government as today we face new issues as youth mainly unemployment i wonder if our generation will be the one to say enough is enough again and take another stand against our democraticly elected government which has failed us as youth in so many ways.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

one day :)

the journey begins

I recieved the email i have been waiting for and yes im in for the selection weekend of the clipper race 13/14 team south africa!