Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sapinda rainbow project

This is a copy of a letter in the form of an email i sent to too gentlemen from sapinda rainbow project and clipper,its an apology which i hope all of you read regarding my last post i made about them and they respective organisations.

Dear Dirk and Dave

I have had more than a week to reflect on my actions and on the personal attacks I made on you and my fellow Sapinda Rainbow Project nominees. More than anything, I have thought about how to even start this letter and perhaps ease the hurt I'm sure I have caused because of my immaturity.

I am deeply ashamed of my posting of the blog when I had the opportunity to just be gracious in defeat, keep my head up and congratulate the 10 picked, no matter my personal opinion on things. Instead I behaved like a child and a spoilt, ungrateful sorry excuse for a person and disrespected the hard work done by so many people all for us. Dirk and Dave, I am deeply sorry for hurting you and I hope that post is not what defines me in your eyes.

I hope my actions don’t deter you from helping other people in the future. I took your generosity and threw it back in your face and I hope that one day I get to meet you again so that I can apologise in person. You have done nothing but try to help 30 strangers change their lives and futures of their community purely because you are good people. I don’t know if we said this, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know you did all you could to make the right decisions and picks and that can’t have been an easy thing to do. May you carry on helping people. They say you don’t measure a man by how he treats his equals or peers but you judge him by how he treats those in a less fortunate position than himself and you treated all of us like we were your own children and went through emotional journey's with each of us. I truly wish you well and hope one day you can let me make it up to you.

I also extend an apology to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund for the unfounded accusations I made of corruption and colluding to get their own people picked at the expense of others. I wish you well with the hospital and hopefully those doors do open in November 2014. I'm a person who works with kids all the time, whether it is coaching them sailing or teaching them how to read and write. I know firsthand how bad things can get and hopefully your hospital can be a shelter not only to help heal physical wounds but emotional ones too.

In closing I'd also like to apologise to Clipper as a whole and thank them for the opportunity they have provided to my fellow countrymen and embracing us like they did. I may no longer be part of the Sapinda Rainbow Project but I will treasure the memories and the life experience that occured because of it. And like I promised, Dave and Dirk, I will make a difference in my community. It may take longer now and I may have to regain some trust from people I let down, but it will happen and I will invite you both for that day. I will also make a blog post of an apology but I'd like you to read this letter first and when I know you have then I will post on my blog.

Sincerely sorry

The 10 youths that were picked have landed safely into the uk where they begin they training for the clipper race.while i am still dissapointed im not amoung them and hurts deeply i wish all of them luck and to enjoy every moment.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day two begins!!

Day two started off with a slight delay in pretty much everything.
We got a briefing from dave cusworth and craig miller of the days activities which were,climbing up a mast and doing speaches in the afternoon.

Feels like this selection weekend has started and hopefully the panel can see who really wants it and more importantly deserve it.
After the days activities we went to get ice cream its was claudia,waterboy,mario,njabulo and myself. We also took a walk around the beautiful city we call durban which felt alive with every corner.

Day three is probably gonna be tougher because we will get some sailing done and the the people who have never sailed before are gonna be in for a tough day as rough winds are expected.

I'm writing and its close to midnight hopefully I will get some decent sleep tonight.

Waiting for breakfast day 2

Day 2 has arrived and we all waiting for breakfast. There's so much excitement in the air and I'm happy this selection weekend is underway.

Day 2 clipper selection weekend

Our instructors lucky and andile hosting us on the mast of the L34.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

getting ready :)

Its 16 june and we celebrate youth day today. Its is 4 days before i have to sign in for the selection process of the #sapindaproject and i am sitting i wonder what the other 29 people selected are doing. Are they nervous? Excited? Or both and what are they plans today as our country celebrates a day when our youth took a stand against the aparthied government as today we face new issues as youth mainly unemployment i wonder if our generation will be the one to say enough is enough again and take another stand against our democraticly elected government which has failed us as youth in so many ways.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

one day :)

the journey begins

I recieved the email i have been waiting for and yes im in for the selection weekend of the clipper race 13/14 team south africa!